Best Starfield graphics settings for RTX 2060 and RTX 2060 Super
The RTX 2060 and 2060 Super have already been replaced by newer and more potent options like the RTX 3060 and the 4060 series. These graphics cards target smooth 1080p gaming experiences with some tweaks to the settings. Since the 2060 has already been replaced by newer options, gamers can't play the latest space exploration title from Bethesda at the highest settings.
Starfield ranks among the more demanding titles released on PC so far. Therefore, gamers will need to tweak the settings a little bit and bring the visuals down to hit high framerates. Like any other AAA game, it features a bunch of customizable graphics settings for PC. Tweaking all of them can be a bit of a chore.
To help players solve this issue, we will list the best graphics settings for the 60-class graphics cards from a couple of generations ago. We will target 1080p 60 FPS on both of these GPUs.
Best Starfield graphics settings for RTX 2060
The RTX 2060 is showing its age at this point in time. Gamers playing Starfield on this graphics card will have to turn down the settings slightly to get a decent experience without causing any frame drops. Therefore, we recommend a mix of medium and high in the game with FSR 2 turned on for the best gaming results.
The ideal graphics settings combination in Starfield for the RTX 2060 is as follows:
- Borderless full screen: On
- Window size: 1920 x 1080 (16:9)
- Select monitor: Primary monitor
- Dynamic resolution: Off
- Render resolution scale: 100
- Graphics preset: Custom
- Shadow quality: Medium
- Indirect lighting: Medium
- Reflections: High
- Particle quality: Medium
- Volumetric lighting: Medium
- Crowd density: Medium
- Motion blur: Medium
- GTAO quality: High
- Grass quality: High
- Contact shadows: High
- Vsync: Off
- Upscaling: FSR 2
- Sharpening: 75
- Enable VRS: On
- Film grain intensity: Full
- Enable depth of field: On
Best Starfield graphics settings for RTX 2060 Super
The RTX 2060 Super is slightly more capable than the older non-Super variant. This allows a slight scope to crank up the settings even further. We believe a mix of medium and high settings still works best in this game with some FSR, which leaves enough performance headroom for a decent experience.
Our recommendation for the RTX 2060 Super in the title is as follows:
- Borderless full screen: On
- Window size: 1920 x 1080 (16:9)
- Select monitor: Primary monitor
- Dynamic resolution: Off
- Render resolution scale: 100
- Graphics preset: Custom
- Shadow quality: Medium
- Indirect lighting: Medium
- Reflections: High
- Particle quality: High
- Volumetric lighting: Medium
- Crowd density: High
- Motion blur: High
- GTAO quality: High
- Grass quality: High
- Contact shadows: High
- Vsync: Off
- Upscaling: FSR 2
- Sharpening: 75
- Enable VRS: On
- Film grain intensity: Full
- Enable depth of field: On
Overall, both the 2060 and 2060 Super packs have enough graphics rendering horsepower to play Starfield at high framerates without causing major performance issues. With the above settings applied, the game looks fantastic, meaning players with 60-class offerings from a couple of generations ago won't have major problems.
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