
Call of Duty MW3 Black Friday Sale: Price, how tobuy,andmore

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is now available at a discount of 26% amid the ongoing Black Friday sales. This year's premium CoD title didn't attract much attention for its campaign, with players mainly choosing to spend their time multiplayer or Zombies. After its release, the title was an immediate top seller on all platforms.

The Standard Edition of Modern Warfare 3 will cost you $69.99 or its equivalent currency in other regions. However, during this Black Friday period, the premium CoD title can be obtained for a much lower cost. More information about how much it would cost you to get this title now can be found below.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Black Friday Sale Price

You can get the Modern Warfare 3 Standard Edition for just £51.96 in the UK and $59.49 in the US as well as other select regions. However, remember that this variant will be a physical copy of the game. It's also worth noting that the 26% discount is only available for the PlayStation 5 and PS4 title versions.

It's rare for a Call of Duty title to be a part of the Black Friday sale. Due to how these titles are released around the time of this sale every year, Activision rarely reduces its price. However, this time, the 26% is available and is your best chance to grab the latest Call of Duty title if you don't have it yet.

How to buy Modern Warfare 3 during Black Friday sale

There are multiple ways to get your hands on MW3 during this Black Friday. Those in the UK can get it at an unbelievable price of £51.96 by following these steps:

  • Head over to eBay's official website and search for "MW3."
  • Then, under The Game Collection Outlet, use the promo code "BUYBETTER20," and you'll get a massive 26% discount instantly on this title.

Those in the US and other regions can get the game for around $60 or its equivalent on Amazon. That said, gamers in the US, specifically, can get this title for $59.49 if they get it from the PlayStation store.

Stay tuned to Sportskeeda's Call of Duty section for all the latest news and updates regarding MW3.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-04-22