
Exclusive: Interview with Dylan Matthew

They say, one who does the legwork can produce the best works. While most artists depend on a well set up studio to work on their music, some artists like Dylan Matthew don’t like to wait for opportunities. They create one for themselves. Since the last two years, Matthew has been pursuing music professionally. Be it songwriting or producing, Matthew manages a major chunk of the work on his own.

He has released some popular tracks like Sober, which crossed over a million streams on Spotify. The singer is back with a new single titled “Forever & Always” but unlike his usual songs, this single is different. “Forever & Always” is a tribute to his best friend Kevin, who unfortunately passed away some time ago.

We got a chance to discuss Matthew’s new single and his relationship with Kevin. We also talked about the singer’s musical influences and his ambitions. Check out the complete interview below:

Please tell our readers a bit about yourself.

My name is Dylan Matthew. I’m 21 years old and have been pursuing music professionally for about 2 years now!

How did your journey as a singer start and how has it been so far?

I was always very into music as a kid, and basically, my entire family was all into music so it was an easy path to get into. The journey has been a rollercoaster but being able to do what I love every day as a career is all I could ever ask for.

How do you perceive music? That is if you have to define music, how would you define it?

I’d define music as the best form of communication. Instead of just speaking how you feel, you’re turning it into an art form that people can understand much easier and a much higher extent.

Also, do you have anyone you look up to when it comes to music?

Of course! My dad has been a huge influence on me for my music. Other artists that I look up to would be Lauv, Ed Sheeran, Billy Joel, Otis Redding… The list goes on.

Dylan, you have quite a strong fanbase on Spotify. Recently,”Sober” crossed over a million streams on the platform. How do you feel about it?

I feel amazing! Sober was my first solo song to hit 1 million and I’m incredibly grateful. When I sent it to my buddy Rome In Silver to produce with me, I never expected it to be my biggest song, but here we are!


We read that you don’t just write your songs but also take care of the production part. So, what aspects of song production do you like or enjoy the most?

I produce as much as my own music as I feel I can. I’m not very good at the technical side of it all, but I have an ear for music and a very creative mind so I enjoy coming up with the base of the song. So piano, drums, guitar, etc. and then sometimes I’ll send it over to other producers to do the technical stuff (EQing, Sidechaining, etc.)

What makes you perform all the tasks of the process by yourself?

I enjoy being able to work on music at any time I want. I never have to wait on people for studio time, because the studio is in my living room. It makes my creative process much easier and faster, and I create a lot more music than I would if I didn’t do it myself.

Please tell us a bit about your single “Forever & Always”.

Forever & Always was written about my best friend who passed away about a month ago.

The song is dedicated to your best friend Kevin and it’s a beautiful tribute.  We would like to know about your relationship with Kevin.

Kevin was one of my best friends, and one of the greatest guys I believe that I will ever meet. He always believed in me and my career and would always try to help me grow and get to where I wanted to be. He was selfless and fearless and all around an incredible guy.

The music video for the song is quite uplifting and someone who does not know Kevin would definitely understand the kind of person he was. Why did you decide to take a positive angle for the tribute? Was it an attempt to make video reflect Kevin’s personality?

Kevin was a very positive person. He always wanted to live life to the fullest and make everybody happy. I didn’t want to reflect a depressing vibe towards the song because I wanted it to reflect how he was as a person. The meaning of the song is “I’m incredibly sad that you’re gone, and I wish so badly that you were still here, but I will love you forever even though you’re not here anymore” as if to say that he will live on with me no matter what.

Would you like to share with us your plans for 2018?

My plans for 2018 are to release a lot of new music, go on tour, and whatever else comes my way!

You can follow Dylan on the following platforms:





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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-05-30