
How to complete Professor Ronen's Assignment quest

Hogwarts Legacy was launched globally on February 10 and is presently one of the most popular games on every platform, with a large fan following. There is plenty of content to intrigue the mind, as the primary plot is both compelling and exciting.

Assignments in the game are objectives assigned by Hogwarts Professors that reward you with new spells when completed. Professor Ronen's Assignment quest will be the first assignment, and after completion, it will grant you the Mending Spell called Reparo.

The spell will be necessary for your adventure and for completing missions. The following article will guide you on how to complete your first assignment.

Step-by-step procedure to complete Professor Ronen's Assignment Quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

Professor Ronen's Assignment will be featured in the chapter 'Attend Your First Day at Hogwarts' and will be available after finishing the 'Weasley After Class' Main Quest. It can be avoided for a while, but the reward spell Reparo will be required to complete additional main quests. You should complete the assignment as soon as it is available.

After talking to Professor Weasley, she will ask you to meet Professor Ronen. One can find him in the courtyard within the Astronomy Wing portion of Hogwarts. Interact with him, and he will assign you the task of catching two flying pages.

Objectives of Professor Ronen's Assignment

  • Report to Professor Ronen
  • Collect the flying page near the broken statue
  • Collect the flying page in the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower
  • Return to Professor Ronen
Assignment Given by Professor Ronen (Image via Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment)

Procedure to collect both the Flying Pages

The first flying page may be located close to the courtyard. Simply turning southeast will bring you to the shattered statue. Players must glance up and spot the pages as they flutter around. After spotting the first page, you must retrieve it using the spell "Accio" to pull it closer and automatically grasp it.

1st page of Ronen's Assignment (Images via Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment)

After capturing the first flying page, proceed through the door, present the southwest building, go up two stairs, and look around for the flying page. Pull it closer with the same "Accio" spell to grasp it.

2nd page of Ronen's Assignment (Images via Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment)

After collecting both the pages, return to Professor Ronen; after that, he will teach you the Mending Charm, Reparo. With this, you will complete the quest.

More about the spells - Accio and Reparo

Accio: It is a spell that is frequently utilized in Hogwarts Legacy. It may be used to draw foes closer for a rapid attack and catch the flying pages around Hogwarts.

Reparo: A Mending Charm in Hogwarts Legacy may be used to restore shattered objects and environmental fragments to their original states.

Hogwarts Legacy is available on PC (via Epic Games Store and Steam), PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. It will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch in the coming months.

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-05-30