How to protect yourself from the GTA Online bounty glitch?
GTA Online is nearly a decade old, and the game is certainly not immune to modern-day hacks and abuses. This is especially true for PC players subjected to several waves of exploits in recent months. While Rockstar Games has only recently patched the game, fraudulent individuals have discovered another way to abuse it.
Since March 15, 2023, GTA Online PC players have been complaining about frequent annoying notifications about failed bounty requests, followed by a phone call from Lester Crest explaining the same. Unfortunately, the developers have not addressed the issue yet, and an official fix is still uncertain.
However, the community has discovered a way to delay the exploit, allowing players to play the game peacefully. This article explains how GTA Online players can get rid of bounty glitch notifications in simple steps.
Steps to turn off Lester’s bounty glitch notification in GTA Online
Before proceeding, Grand Theft Auto Online players should know this is not a permanent or official fix to the problem. It simply delays the notification frequency, allowing you to play the game without interruption for a specified amount of time. To stop receiving such notifications, follow the steps below:
1) Log in to the game and press the P or Esc button to open the Pause Menu.
2) Go to the Settings tab. You can also access this screen without starting the gameplay. After you launch the game and reach the home screen, select the Settings option.
3) Scroll to the Notifications option, like in the image below.
4) Click on Message Frequency. By default, it should show 2 Minutes as the selected option.
5) Press the left arrow button twice, and it should show 1 Hour as the selected option.
Once done, go back to the game and enjoy it as usual. This will disable any in-game notifications from phone contacts for an hour. Since the bounty feature in the subject is one of Lester's abilities, he won't be able to contact you for an hour after the last time he did.
However, you will still likely receive a notification and call immediately after logging into GTA 5 or GTA Online. The chosen condition won't work until you've heard from Lester by phone and received a notification that your bounty has failed.
More details about the bounty glitch in GTA Online
The notorious bounty glitch is a visual exploit hackers use to frighten players. You will receive a random notification informing you that your bounty on XYZ worth $-99999999 has failed.
While in normal circumstances, the bounty amount is deducted from the Bounter's account, in this case, players will not lose any money as Rockstar Games disabled the remote account modification exploits in the most recent security update for the game.
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